Friday 29 September 2017

Subject K-46, AKA 'Khali'

The vat-born gladiator stood in the dank unfamiliar room, her finely honed body still glistening with fluid from the amniotic chamber. Noticing that she was not alone, Khali sprawled out low to the ground, feet spaced wide and steadied by a third hand planted on the ground, head cocked to one side. Her hooked lower arm extended out to the side, and the upper raising a curved knife above her head, evoking primal visions of scorpions in the mind of the Astartes before her.

The grav-shackles released with a clank and the Astartes bolted forwards, snatching a long serrated blade from the chamber floor. The hulking human settled into a well-honed combat stance, the dried blood of its previous adversaries caked into its matted hair.

 The Astartes lunged forwards, blade searching for purchase on Khali's frame, but she was quick to dodge this first strike. The augmented brute circled around, wrapping a chain around its free hand. Khali leapt out, catching the warrior by surprise and raking her knife across its forearm. She rebounded from the wall behind and landed a double-armed jab on her opponents torso. Barely registering this assault, the Astartes lashed out with a brutal punch, ribs cracking beneath its slab-like fist, throwing Khali across the room. 

Coughing blood, she staggered to her feet just in time to avoid another hammer-blow as the Astartes pressed its advantage. She sunk her knife into its leg, which elicited a grunt of pain but little else, and the Astartes swung its blade wide nearly cleaving her in twain. 

Khali blocked another haymaker, gasping in pain as her forearm broke beneath the blow. Rebounding, she pirhouetted fast. Lashing out, her hook found purchase in the Astartes' throat. Momentum tore through muscles and arteries in a great gout of blood and the formidable soldier slumped to the ground. Staggering sideways she stumbled to one knee, taking deep shuddering breaths. Bloodied and broken, but alive. 

In the shadows behind her, an arachnid-like Haemonculus scrawled into her research notes. 'Subject K-46...shows promise'.

And here we have the first of the more ambitious side of my True Kin :) I've seen a great many fantastic conversions for Covens and Kabals, but comparatively few for the Wych Cults so I thought I'd try and fix that!

The idea behind these is that there are different classes in the arenas of Commorragh. This lass is the firs model made for a sort of 'sports modified' class of gladiators, which offers an opportunity for the Haemonculi Covens to market their wares to the wider population.

She's also a bit of a homage to this utterly beautiful model I stumbled across over on the excellent Eye of Error blog:

Hope I've done it some kind of justice!

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