Thursday 13 October 2016

Betrayal at Calth Contemptor Dreadnought + Apothecary Conversions

Got an update for you folks. Finshed my Space Wolves Contemptor Dreadnought conversion for my dreadtober vow yesterday after a fair bit of bling being added and a small amount of sculpting. Pimpin my ride I like to think :)

The re-pose of the leg proved to be the trickiest part. The trial position I had in the last post did not work out when I came to glue it all together and pose the leg, so I had to go for a much more subtle bend to the leg. Still think it works though with the two kheres assault cannons on each arm. The sculpting of the hacked out joint was a bit challenging, and I am not 100% happy with the finish but hopefully the paint will hide most of the sins. Not sure I will repeat this step if I do another one as the amount of work for small amount og games does not seem worth it. Just doing the hip joints will be enough next time.

Really enjoyed adding all the bling to make him part of the Vlka Fenryka. Def feels like a space wolf now, and the shields and pelts just set him off nicely. Looking forward to painting him up now

Contemptor Dreadnought Conversion
Contemptor Dreadnought Conversion

While I was working on him I also decided to make some apothecaries for the Volsung. They are kit bashed from the B@C set, blood angel death company legs, apothecary torso and pad, and some anvil industry gubbins + a raid from my bits box for other bits and bobs. The legs I chose for the flowing parchments, which I will paint as aprons, with the signature blood splatter. A small pelt was sculpted where some blood angel iconography was hanging from the bottom of one apron. I like the slight wolfy (and impractical, terrible to wash all that blood off :D ) feel it gives to the legs. I might add a few more pelts here and there but for now they are done.

Apothecary Conversions
Apothecary Conversions

NafNaf :)



  1. Awoo! I remembered a half-finished SW BaC Contemptor I had sitting around myself and added it to my DreadTober work, since I want to take it to a Tournament on the 22nd. Great to see another, with a fairly different take on it!

    1. Awesome. The plastic does make them nice and (fairly) simple to modify to your own legion choice. What are you planning with yours?

    2. I added the Murderfang trophy rack on top, and a couple of the Grey Hunter Backpack toppers on the shoulders, and then a pelt hanging down between the legs. The big change was taking the head completely off and cutting down the "wolf skull" head from the SW VenDread kit to fit in there. I went Kheres/Fist/Heavy Flamer, but the arms are magnetized if I want to do up some other options, as is the trophy rack so I can add on a Cyclone if I've got the Points for it. Got a couple of pics up in my latest post.

    3. Just had a look. Really cool, all the bits work great on him :)

  2. Sweeeeeeet. Beautiful builds all around, and that last apothecary is particularly awesome. Looking forward to seeing 'em painted up!

    1. Thanks dude. I enjoyed working on them all. Was quite refreshing to get back to the hobby after the house move. Hopefully they all will be done by end of October

  3. As usual your conversion skills stagger me Nathaniel! The contemptor has a very Arnie look of indomitable f**k you up about him.

    Nifty use of the anvil crests as well! I've got a post coming up reviewing some Kromlech chainswords that might suit the look your going for, they are very toothy and brutal.


    1. Aw shucks, you're making me blush ;)

      Yeah really pleased with the posing of him. A bit tricky at first but once I had played around a bit it all clicked into place, so to speak.

      Love the anvil stuff. Got another parcel on the way to make a nuncio vox and a couple of techmarins.
      Your reviews of the different products are really useful. Just received an order of the ML Shields stuff to make my breacher squad

  4. Really interesting and cool. It's this kind of modelling that made me want to do my 'Great Build'.

    I'm in the process of extending the tubes in an Acid Spray so I can get it to fit round my Tervigon's spawning sack so it can be used as a Tyrranofex. The overwheling experience is it's a lot of effort with only very little to show for it at the end :(

    It makes all the difference though I suppose.

    1. Cheers Dave. Really enjoyed converting something again.

      Sounds awesome. With your skills I am sure the end result will be spectacular. Know how you feel about all the effort. Sometimes you just have to sit back and think "will thus actually make that much difference to the end model". I won't be doing the lef again if/when I come to do my next plastic contemptor conversion

  5. Really good conversions all around there. When painting they will look like GW produced models I bet. Bravo.

  6. Lovely Contemptor conversion, and Apothecary ones are fabulous! Well done mate

    1. Cheers Siph. All the anvil gubbins really helped me with converting the apothecaries :)

  7. I love the anchor hinting at last year's Dreadtober project :-) The repose looks great on him and the Space Wolf bits worked out really well.

    1. Pleased you noticed that :). Thought it was suitably fitting for another Dreadtober.
      Really pleased with the whole thing tbh, and the project was thoroughly enjoyable. Alas I have had a priming disaster so it is back to square one with him once I get him out of the soak :(
