Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Carnival Venom Crew Converted & Painting Progress

Just a quick one today folks.

I have been making a cast of a top hat to use for the main gunner of my venom, and finally got it cleaned up and attached to his head today. I can now show you the finished crew before I get them all painted up.

The first chappie is using a pair of sitting legs I found in a box (no idea where they are from) and thought they would be perfect for someone to be perching on the side wing, kinda hitching a ride. A wych body, Brettonian jester head and empire trumpeter arm set off a nice little figure and I had a faint chuckle when I tacked him to the side for a trial fit. They next was the preening prince on the LHS. I found an Elf armoured torso in the bits box, and then dug around for a pair of legs that would make a nice pose on the side. I had to do a little green stuff work to make them fit/work together but they end pose had a nice prance to it. There was a half completed head that I had given up sculpting the hat for, so I cracked on and finished it up. He is a right prince now ;). The gunner was the last, but in some ways the most simple. I trimmed a cloak down to fit and bent the legs a little and then went ahead and made a cast of one of the Incubi hats so I could mass produce top hats at my leasure :). Once cast I cut his masked head so the hat sat at a jaunty angle, and voila, all complete. They do look a bit odd on their own but once mounted they look pretty quirky, trust me ;)

Lastly I just wanted to show you a quick pic of the venom near completion. I have the base and varnish stages to do yet, but pretty pleased with how it is looking so far. Hopefully I can get the crew painted pretty quickly and post up the fully completed venom up by next weekend at the latest. Once this is done my 750pt list for double trouble will be complete :)
