I am chairman of our local gaming club here in Shrewsbury UK, and we have been doing a revamp of our clubs terrain and boards following a venue change, which has significantly reduced the rates we have to pay, enabling us do a complete revamp of our gaming tables, and invest in some FAT mats and themed terrain to fit in with them. I took on the task of painting a desert type board to go with the barren wasteland mat we had purchased.
The club treasurer did a fantastic job sourcing and modifying a bunch of terrain, including GW age of sigmar kits and Amira vacuum formed walls and hills. He added plasticard, cardboard and basing to make the kits not only functional in game (adding floors to buildings for LOS etc.) but extending the value we could get out of the kits. Alas I forgot to take any pics of it all before painting but he did put alot of effort into it and they look great.
I took a photo of the colours on the mat and set about matching them to my existing colour collection. I purchased some vallejo air paint and used my airbrush to lay down the base brown colour. I then highlighted up with various browns, yellows and bone colours in patches all over, to get the mottled look similar to the mat. The buildings were drybrushed with a grey mix so they stood out a little from the bases and looked a little more like stone brick than red mud. Once all the colours were done I mixed a brown wash and lathered this all over the buildings and bases, not only to tie them all together, but also for that additional bit of shading that wa lacking through all the mixing and drybrushing. As a final touch I added some dried grass to the bases. I feel that static grass always adds a bit of life into scenery if done well (although obviosly it is not always suitable for some terrain themes) and I think it works pretty well here.
I have to say I am pretty pleased with how this all came out, and having played a couple of games on it now I am chuffed our club has a decent board (one of many now) for games of 40k, KOW, AOS etc.