Behold the flying Beast! My Talos conversion number 2 is complete.
I used the stormfiend kit again as the base for my conversion. I wanted this one to feel a little different from the last so I tried to come up with a theme for him. Recently I won a competition for a box of sci fi bits from aruki, and had a mantic marauder truck in there with a wicked engine and exhaust part. An idea was born. I went hunting for bits from various sites and started the build. It was all inspired from this engine part.
The engine and exhausts were used for the power pack on the talos (with the star as the core :) ) and I started to feed wires and tubes from this into all the mechanical parts I had added, such as his petrol tanks and the winch on his front (I love this bit, using the wrecking ball as his anchor and the wynch to drop and raise it as needed). I still had the challenge of deciding on how I wanted him to fly now I had the power core and exhausts sorted. During a desperate search for inspiration I came across the ork storm boy rocket packs. Eureka! His mode of transport was sorted. I built straps for his feet out of plasticard and attached the rockets tubes which were then fed from the petrol tanks. The only challenge left now were his arms
The talos kit is a wonderful source of bits for many of my conversions and this one was no different. How could I resist adding some tentacles, especially as they added to the sense of movement that the rocket feet were giving mr Talos. A spare killa kan buzz saw was spliced on and he was complete.
I am super chuffed with him. The amalgamation of bits work really well and it has a story and theme that I am satisfied comes across nicely.
What are your thoughts on him?
NafNaf out!
Ps. I would like to welcome a new author to our blog, Arcade81. He is a friend of ours who primarily plays 40k and Infinity and has an awesome dark mechanicum army he is working on. Look out for an article from him soon :)