Monday, 15 June 2015

Dark Eldar Cronos conversion

Just put the final touches to my Cronos conversion and am so excited by the result I thought I would post it asap and share it with you all. It feels so good to get back to painting my carnival stuff.
I did not want the scheme for him to be too garish, so I did not go for any major patterns on the cloth areas, prefering to let the colours do the talking, apart from a little lava lamp effect on the bottom of the toga. This was also used to tie the head colours in with the base a bit (trying to use Greg's advice about triangles of colour and where the eye is drawn ect). I think it works pretty well.
I like that the orange compliments the pink nicely. I have paid a bit more attention to my highlighting, using the very edges for a final bright line only on selected raised parts. I was given some great feedback from Calypta over on the dark city about how I could improve my highlighting more on my harlequin solitaire paint job so I hope it has paid off :)
He has a great story and character to him, and I am really pleased to add him to my slowly growing Carnival.
NafNaf out!