Tuesday 31 March 2015

Iron Priest on Thunderwolf Conversion

My first Iron proest on thunderwolf conversion. Been scratching my head for quite a while on how to do this conversion, as there is no official model for this loadout and I wanted at least one in my thunder wolf army list for blog wars 9. They also beat face which is another reason to be taking one :)
In the end I kitbashed Harald Deathwolf and a techmarine together as they are both awesome models and I had them lying around in my closet of doom collecting dust.

I first started on the thunder wolf by chopping the right leg off amd replacing it with a plastic leg I had in my bits box. I then carved out a niche in the eye and stuck in a targeter from a space marine bolter. Two final mechanical bits were added, one at the back of the wolf, and the other under his belly (which you can't really see in the photos). Finally the fur was resculpted on the damaged parts and to blend some mechanical bits back into the wolf body.
For the rider I began by sawing the techmarines legs off at the waist and doing the same to Harald. The torso form the techmarine and legs from Harald were then pinned together and the joints filled and sculpted back in with green stuff. Then I chose a couple of arms for the servo harness and put the rest aside as I wanted to keep a few spare for my next iron priest conversion (yes I have started another already, I am on a roll). These were then positioned to help balance the techmarine model a bit on the wolf, and finally tubing was either drilled into place or sculpted on to add more depth. Came out pretty well I think :). What are your thoughts on him?

NafNaf out!


  1. Awesome. That poor wolf carrying all that extra metal haha.

    1. Hahaha yeah thats probably why he needs the metal leg, for bacing :D. I should have added stabilisers. The wolf is probably thinking "sheesh what did I do in my previous life to deserve this heavy lump"

    2. Love the iron priest. Great posing!...do agree that if possible (prior to paint), maybe buff up the wolf a bit. He looks a bit like the rock (dwayne johnson) riding a pony. :)

    3. Lol cheers Greg. Now there is an image in my head :D.

      I shall root around my bits box to see if I have anything suitable

    4. Hrm...it might just be me. Looking at it again, it looks fine! I love the movement through the piece. Great work!

  2. The whole power amoured guy riding a wolf always cracks me up, but your iron priest is a great conversion. I like the extra bits of cable to tie in the weapons.

    1. Thanks Joe :). The extra cables really help balance the whole model as it felt too flat with just the mechanical arms and backpack.

      I know alot of people don't really like the power armour thunderwolf thing, but I personally don't have a problem with it. 40k is such a strange and grimdark setting with so many varied creatures and races, that the whole wolf - armour thing doesnt seem weird to me. I love the whole "there are no wolves on Fenris" thing too, the power armoured dude is actually riding one of his mutated kin :)

    2. Good point, my Iron Warriors have Dino-bots, so who am I to point techno-claws? I actually never put the no wolves thing together with the wolfan mutation - it does make them a but scarier...

  3. Thanks Frothing Muppet :). It needed a little work with green stuff to make them join properly, but was not too much hassle tbh.

    I thought that flash was part of the axe head. Cheers for pointing it out. I shall remove it pronto :)

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you TJ :). I am really pleased with how he came out
