Hello folks. I’ve been remiss in not posting this small conversion sooner but with everything else going on in the world and here it passed my mind. I have been hobbying off and on in the meantime and have actually finished the big man himself now (hence the prompt to post this first :D).
For this conversion I wanted to keep the ‘spirit’ of the original model (ie non moving static model), but with my own twist, especially as I dislike the original model quite intensely. After much deliberation I started to work on a larger squig with a shell I found in my sons random box of leaves and stones (?). This did not work out well but I liked the idea of it and set out searching for something easier to achieve and much smaller than the idea I was working on previously. In my bits box I had a mini squig not used in a Goblin shaman conversion I was working on (more of that in another post) and this fit the bill perfectly. I pilfered another small shell and the two went together like marmite and toast... perfectly (in case you were wondering ;) ).
I thoroughly enjoyed painting this little chap too. The snail shell presented a challenge but I found using a mixture of dry brushing, minor paint strokes and some blending with the new contrast paints worked excellently (seriously, the new contrast paints can be used to great effect as a glaze and also base coat. Don’t like them by themselves but as another tool in the painting arsenal they are pretty useful).
Enough of the waffle, here’s some more pictures