Howdy folks. Hope all is well with you all!
Been chipping away at my version of Mollog’s Mob, and spiteshroom was next on the list to finish. I actually started the Shroom first but my Ushabti paint has all dried up so I couldn’t finish which is why the bat squig pipped him at the post.
I wanted to keep the skin natural looking (ish) so went for a pale skin tone with a purple tint in the recessed. I went for a yellow smoke plume for two reasons. One is that I love painting yellow and second I wanted to link the night goblin colours to the fleshiness of the model. The black just accentuates the yellow I think, and I amoretty pleased with that too. I have historically disliked painting black and not been very good at it but I think I have nailed it now! Here’s da pics, hope you enjoy :)