Wednesday, 6 July 2016

DZC Scourge Minders

Well howdy hey my fine fellows! Got a bit more Scourge goodness (or badness?) to show. First up are a squad of 8 minders and their Intruder Beta dropships.

I have to admit, I love painting Scourge. I managed to do these in about 2 hours solid painting (which is pretty consistent timing over the whole army). It means I can slot them in between big painting projects or when I get tired of working on something and want a quick palette cleanser.

These chaps were actually painted a little while ago but I have been remiss in posting up my dropzone stuff. I now have a little bit of a backlog as Over the ladt week I managed to crunch through another 2 units, and a few more the months before that. I whipped the light box out for the venom on monday so I got all my Scourge stuff up to date too. Expect some consistent dropzone posts over the next month or so as I catch up :)

Now onto the minders. Not alot to say really. They are great little models, full of character. I magnetised the base so I did not need to use the widgets, which look a bit ugly on small models such as these. Also magnetised were the tops and the beta dropships so the minders could be attached to the dropships (which is one of the things I love about the design of the dropzone range of models).

I went a little darker on these, much like the prowlers before, as it looks pretty cool on them, and makes them a bit more menacing. It is very liberating to be able to complete most of the work with washes and drybrushing :)




  1. Lovely work, man - Really dig the organic tones you're getting on 'em. Good stuff!

    1. Thanks dude. It is a pleasure to paint tbh. Pezapoo is the originator of the scheme and has done some good vids on YouTube (which I devoured) which are worth a watch if you want to see how it's done :)

  2. The paint jobs on these has me creeped out. It's a bit too scary organic! (thus perfect and well done!)

    1. Hehe cheers Greg :) The organic feel of the army was a big draw, and one of the reasons I went for this scheme, as it really brings that out in the models (and scourge are meant to be creepy :) )
