Sunday, 29 November 2020

Bat Squig Conversion - Warhammer Underworlds

 Greetings fellow interwebbers! After over a year I have picked up a paintbrush, and it feels gooood!!!

I actually started on the spiteshroom but ran out of paints (dried up. Crappy design of your pots GW), so started on bat squig. I initially was going for the traditional red scheme for him, but decided pretty quickly I wanted to do something a bit different and more muted. I loved painting the skin on my last goblin project and it looks quite realistic, so I went with it. I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed it and he looks great too (IMO). There is enough colour on the base mushrooms to make it all work. Talking of the base, it is usually the part I most look forward to as it can really bring a mini to life, and this doesn’t disappoint. Adds welcome texture and colour palette to ensure the muted green on the skin is not too subtle to be boring and not draw the eye. Pics below for your perusal. Spite shroom is also now finished at time of writing,  so I will post up in a few days. See ya soon!


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