Thursday 22 June 2017

Bog Dryads - The shambling

Hey folks. A quick post from me. Not had much time to blog recently as life had ramped up of late again (in a good way), holidays, family life, assignments, job etc all take their toll on the ole hobby downtime, but I have been doing a little bit of hobby here and there in the evenings. I have a mish mash of a few projects on my desk, all nearing completion as I flutter about like a hobby butterfly. Fortunately I have managed to get something finished, and here they are.

Sunday 11 June 2017

Ynnead a way at least...

The oldest and strongest emotion of the Eldar is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown. Cast off the fear of the beyond, my kin, and join us in exaltation of the whispering king. - Khalfhirin, Prophet of Ynnead

Tuesday 6 June 2017

Saturday 3 June 2017

Bog Durthu Painted!!

Not a sound was heard, silence reigned in the dark night. The warriors manning the walls shifted nervously, fear stirring in their souls. The encroaching wood creaked and shifted as it imperceptibly advanced, expanding where there was once fields and ponds, until the dark boughs of the first twisted trees were within a stones throw of the walls.