Hey folks. A quick post from me. Not had much time to blog recently as life had ramped up of late again (in a good way), holidays, family life, assignments, job etc all take their toll on the ole hobby downtime, but I have been doing a little bit of hobby here and there in the evenings. I have a mish mash of a few projects on my desk, all nearing completion as I flutter about like a hobby butterfly. Fortunately I have managed to get something finished, and here they are.
These 6 used more plaguebearer bits than their previous brethren, and the bodies and arms give a nice shambling effect to the 6 which works really well mixed into the unit. The painting followed the same process of washes and glazes, and I am pleased to say I still thoroughly enjoy painting this scheme and am looking forward to the next lot already :)
Cia for now. NafNaf