Howdy Folks. You may have noticed it has been a little quiet here on Objective Secured over the last couple of weeks. Luckily this is not due to any disaster or anything, but more to do with the fact life has got extremely busy of late and I am struggling to fins the time to do much hobbying.
I am sure we have all been there in our lives, and it should quiet down soon (although my partner will soon be going back to work and I will have to look after my son on the weekends while she works, which will again limit my hobby time somewhat). I wanted to post up where I am with my monthly projects (behind tbh ;) ) as it will let you guys know what I am doing but also give me a bit of focus and motivation to finish some stuff off.
So, here goes :)
To start with I have my carnival venom crew that need to be done for June 11th. The reds have been completed and a start made on the metal areas, but I have only an idea for the main gunner colour scheme so far so he will be my focus forbthe following week. UPDATE: I have done the gunner (it has taken me nearly a week to write this) He is currently in his gloss state waiting for the final spray of dullcoat and then he is done. I still hope to get all 3 done in time but I am on hols from friday so that might be a bit of a challenge.
My infinity progress has stalled as I lost my mojo on them part way through. I got some base colours down though, such as the trousers and red flesh, and crrtian areas like the guns and armour are finished. It will not take too long to push these through to finish.
Dropzone. I admit it, I am a geek :). I am taking this pile of minis on holiday with me to get them up to a near complete stage. Being a relatively easy and uncomplicated scheme means I can sit down and do a few quick minutes of washing kr drybrushing here and there when I am bored or at a loose end. If I can do this then that would be a huge chunk of minis out of the way, and I would be nearer my goal of completing 4 gaming systems by the end of the year (Dropzone, Malifaux, Infinity Morats & Dreadball)
Last but not least I did a bit of quick work on the last if my malifaux bases so that I can crack on and finish them up. Pretty pleased with them amd they were a nice easy distraction.
See you in a few weeks ;)