Hey folks. I wanted to give a shout out to Nick over at the Burning Eye blog and an event he will be running in August. It is in aid of a charity that helps children suffering from Cancer and Leukaemia.
Personally speaking this has struck a chord with me. Being a dad I cannot think of anything worse than seeing a child struck down with this terrible illness, and I urge you all to have a read of Nicks words below and support the event in any way you can, by either attending, donating or anything else you think you can offer to help. I am planning to attend, and I hope to see some of you there. Take it away Nick! :)
Hero for a Day is a 24-hour wargaming event to raise money for the Children's Cancer and Leukaemia Group. The event pits two teams of players against each other, one side representing the diverse forces available to an imperial planetary governor and the other the diverse forces attacking the planet.
Participants will play 8 games across the course of the day, including kill team missions, doubles missions, handicap missions and single player missions, with each scenario written to represent one element of the flow of the planetary invasion. The event will have a strong narrative theme, with the outcome of each mission affecting the scenario played next.
There will also be a raffle taking place on the day with lots of fun prizes ranging from a hoodie donated by members of my gaming club to miniatures and terrain supplied by various sponsors (including participants).
There are 18 places up for grabs, and those who have registered on the event forum will get pre-notification of availability so sign up asap! http://heroforaday.proboards.
If you can't make the day please consider donating instead, you can visit the event page and donate directly at http://uk.
Thanks Nick.
In temt of my gaming and hobby, I hopefully will get some posts up soon. Real life has been pretty busy of late, and I got hooked on a couple of seasons of the walking dead too, which sucked up any free time I had remaining :D. I will get a WIP hobby post up to show where I am up to. Nothing finished alas but progress is progress :)