Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Eldar Wraithguard Conversions - Insane Clown posse

Eldar Wraithguard
Life is busy. Started a new job last week (retraining as an engineer), coupled with a college course as part of it, all the homework it entails and a 2 month old baby taking up a large part of my evenings, so I am struggling a bit to find the time to do any hobby.
However I have been slowly working on painting a raider, and just have the crew to complete now, plus my wraith knight rescue job and conversion is under way. I will not be able to finish these off for a week or two (plus I have been distracted by dreadtober :) ) but I am really excited to get them inished and posted up for your feedback.
I managed to have a few games over the last weeks with my eldar allied contingent in use alongside the Dark Eldar, and have been pretty impressed with it, so I wanted to start building it up with the proper models (all converted of course :) ). I built these grotesque conversions quite a while ago, but I feel my Sslyth models fit that role much better, and with my new eldar brothers now in use I have re-purposed them as wraith guard (of course they can still be used as grotesques if needed, as my army is turning out to be quite flexible in that department. Ah the joys of converting your own stuff :D ). My plan is to use them as the wraith D flamer dudes, and have them rocking with a webway portal to get them into the thick of the action.
The conversions were inspired by mannekins (and clowns of course) and I wanted that gangly unnatural look to come across in the models themselves. I used alot of talos parts to make them suitably 'worked upon', as they of course have been corrupted by the insane haemonculi that serve my carnival. The hair do's, balloons and pom poms all help the feeling of bizarre creepery, and I really do feel they are a disturbing unit, that fit in nicely with my new eldar ally aesthetic. Painting wise I want them to fit in with my first talos (pic below), with the clown face projected within in each helmeted headmask and then go with the red base colour for the armour, with colours and patterns adding interest to each character.

What are your thoughts on how this eldar detachment is shaping up & what do you think of these conversions as wraith guard?
Chow for now
NafNaf out!


  1. Oh my god. So incredible. Instead of flamers, you should say they throw glitter bombs, or blow warp bubbles at their opponents :)

    1. Hahaha YES! I will de doing that for sure :D

  2. As always pal, beautiful but exceedingly creepy. Don't let your littl'un see them or they'll have nightmares!

    How is fatherhood treating you?

    1. Ha too true! Thanks dude :)

      Treating me well thanks. Time is short but it is all worth it as it is he is great(but the first month was really tough, all sorts of problems, and it was all new so we did not know what the f@&k to do. All sorted now thankfully :) )
      How's your little one getting on?

  3. quite simply? well i like them and i'd say the best/my favorite among them is that C'tan conversion, but those WG look much like a kit, all of the conversion/kitbashes are natural so really good work NafNaf

    1. Awesome thanks Xeno :)

      Yeah I am still a big fan of the C'tan conversion. It was my first in the clown style and really has influenced the direction of my whole army thereafter

  4. Haha! Those are freakin' epic, man! Beautiful builds with the wraithguard/talos bits and the use of the c'tan as a base for the lead clown is inspired. Love 'em!

    1. Sweet, thanks Mordian7th :).

      I am looking forward to painting them, although it is going to be quite a challenge I think

  5. Good use of bits and the poses are great. Add in the trademarked balloons and you have a winner. Awesome work.

    1. :) cheers Thor.

      Gotta have some balloons in there for sure. I seem to be adding balloons or lollipops all over the place. Must be going mad :D

  6. YES! Glad to see these guys again. Also, good call on flipping the Sslyth to Grotesques. They fit that role so perfectly when you look at them.

    I was always a big fan of the creepiness in the Anime Neon Genesis Evangelion, and, if you're at all familiar, the Production Model EVAs and their battle with EVA 02 in one of the movies made me want to convert some wraithguard into Grotesques. Basically, the idea was for them to have had their wraithbone corrupted and mutated by the Haemonculi, so these monstrous muscles and toothy maws would be erupting from within their armour.

    That's a bit of a random segue, but your work on these wraithguard has inspired me to return to the idea >:)

    1. Wicked, thanks dude :). I was a big fan of Neon Genesis Evangelion back in the day, it was one of the first anime series I got into. I can definately see the creepy similarity between these and the EVAs. Good catch :)

      Cant wait to see what you cook up for your conversions. Gonna be awesome. After seeing your recent 8 legged conversion I am even more excited to see these grots emerge from your laboratory.

  7. Another impressive, creepy, balloon swinging conversion! Its amazing what you are able to accomplish with some arm and head swaps, its hard to tell they were even wraith guard. I love the green stuff hair and cabling as well.

    Good luck with the courses and baby!

    1. Thankyou Joe :). It will be a busy couple of years but all worth it. Glad you like the wraiths, i am a fan of the hair do's too :D

  8. Rocking it like a boss Naff! We need an army update picture of everything together!

    1. Thanks buddy :)

      I am planning on one. Still trying to get a few bits and bobs done before the shot but it will be soon I promise
