Thursday, 9 July 2015

Objective Secured is 1 year old!

That's right folks. We are officially one years old. I can't believe how the time has gone and how much I have enjoyed blogging. Be prepared for a wall of text (edit: I do gush quite a bit :D )

First and foremost I would like to thanks all those who read this humble blog, All the followers and commenter's whose input and advice has really encouraged me to continue blogging and talking about one of the great joys of my life. Yes it may seem sad but I really do get a lot of joy from this hobby. Whether it is switching off in the evening after a hard days work to do a little painting or converting, to the friends I have made at my local club, at tournaments or the online community, and the enjoyment I get throwing dice, socialising and talking geeky stuff to likeminded people, it all brings me joy. I can honestly say my life has been and continues to be enriched by this hobby and the friends I have made through it :)

When myself and Xacheriel started this blog a year ago, we had no idea how it was going to work out and what the hell we were going to post about. over time I have got comfortable in knowing what I like to post about, and although I am trying new things out, there are certain things which just do not work for me. I have tried a few times to write battle reports, and although I enjoy reading them, writing reports in a style I find enjoyable to write and interesting to read has so far evaded me. I had some great battles at my last tournament (blog wars 9) but every time I put pen to paper the words just would not flow. I am sure in the future I will find a writing style I enjoy, but for now there will not be any battle reports on Objective Secured. I feel my hobby content has been well received, with my Dark elder carnival and Space wolves getting some great feedback and interest. I will be continuing to work on these two armies, and have some nice conversions and paint jobs to post up very shortly. I have also been playing a few alternative games, such as Infinity, dreadball, and more recently Dropzone commander, so there will be continued updates on my hobby output for these, although they have been less popular (but just as enjoyable to do :) ). I am planning on doing some product reviews, as I have been using a lot of different companies bits, paints, tools ect and would like to write up my thoughts on these, as well as doing a few more painting tutorials.

I have managed to post pretty regularly, managing at least one post a week , and sometimes even two. I continue to hobby at a fast pace and really enjoy chronicling my journey, and all the feedback has been instrumental in keeping me going. I would like to say thanks to a few readers in particular whose comments have kept me fired up over this last year of blogging. first up is Greg (aka greggles). You were the first comment I ever received and I really appreciate your honesty and great advice, as well as your continued support, thanks man! Joe B, whose blog I found through an article by Thor, and I have been enjoying his blog and also the support he gives on a regular basis. I hope all the real life shit sorts itself out for you soon man.  Nick Thrower, a great dude and fellow dark eldar enthusiast, who I met first over on the dark city, and was lucky enough to meet in person at the most recent blog wars. Good luck with all the family stuff Nick. Hope to catch up with you soon :)
Thor, one of the first blogs I followed, who has some great content and his most recent articles over at the House of paincakes on SEO have been very interesting.Thanks for your support :). Rob Hill, another dark city denizen has just started out in the blogosphere, but is already producing some great content. Thanks Rob :). Check out all their great blogs in the hyperlinks + more great blogs in the sidebar. They really are fantastic :)
Frothing Muppet, Zab, Mordian 7th and all of you who read, comment, browse and follow this humble blog. You all have kept me going, and continue to do so. Thankyou :)

So as a parting question to you my dear readers;- Is there anything you would like to see more (or less) of on this blog? Is there anything I can improve on in the 2nd year? Your feedback will be much appreciated, and give me something to mull over.

NafNaf :)