Wednesday, 15 July 2015

'Grim Dark' Tau Test Models

After unexpectedly acquiring some second hand Tau models recently I decided to have a go at painting them. Firstly to take a break from the Space Wolves and Shaltari projects i've been working on and secondly i've never actually painted any Tau models before...

The main reason for this is the clean, bright aesthetic of the GW studio Tau has never really worked for me, it just doesn't feel 'Grim Dark'. So I decided to paint some dirty, battle worn Tau as a test to see if i'd like to paint a whole army...

I've purposely kept to a very limited to colour palette to make the models quicker to paint, but also because that's just how most military vehicles are painted.

I've used a clay based wash for the first time with these models and i'll do a review for it in the next couple of weeks. Anyway here are some more pictures and i'd be interested to hear your thoughts, does the scheme work does it look 'Grim dark' or is it too much, and should I paint a whole army in this style?

Finally, the paint scheme is very simple to do and if there is interest i'll throw a stage by stage tutorial  up.