Sunday, 7 June 2015

Returned from blog wars 9

Thats right folks, I have arrived back unscathed from a miasma of imperial knights, lords of war and other such nasties ;). It was a fantastically run tournament, with some stunning armies and some interesting And fluffy army selections (and a few nasty ones too :D).

I had a fabulous tournament, with 3 brilliant games against some really cool dudes, and it was great to finally put some faces to the awesome people I have been chatting to over the blogosphere :). I will do a brief write up of my games during the week. I managed to get pics of only the first game (doh!) as I completely forgot to do so for the next couple, but I can still remember what happened fortunately :)

There was 50 people attending the tournament, and quite a few had bought lords of war, with 4 lists toting 3 of the darn things, but overall the reception of lords of war in general seemed pretty positive, although Alex, the tournament organiser will be posting up on his blog asking for feedback on the event and the 3 knight question (To be or not to be). I was lucky that I did not face any, as I am pretty sure I would have been crushed by them. I have to make some changes to my army selection going forward, as the choices I made in my list design did not have the answers to quite a few things that are standard in games of tournament 40k right now.

I am definately going to the next one in November, and will start some playtesting pretty soon, although I will take a break from painting the wolves for a little bit and focus on my Dark Eldar carnival for a little bit.

.......Oh and I somehow managed to come 5th ;)

Catch you all soon

NafNaf :)