Alrighty folks. I have a competed murderfang for your perusal. The arm finally arrived so I was able to start my paint job on this badboy.
I followed the standard paint scheme for my army, but with a few added highlights, just to make him stand out a little. The face especially I like as it adds a nice focus point for the model (and no self respecting space wolf army is complete without a redhead!). The claws were a bit of a challenge as I wanted them to look like icy shards. I think it works. I am dead pleased with the paint job overall, and my average sculpting attempt at fur is not too visible.
This paintjob was not trouble free though as I had a problem with the darn varnish again! This time it was my paint on vallejo gloss varnish. It bubbled and pooled in a couple of recesses and dried a horrible white. I had to carve out the varnish with my knife and repaint the damaged bits. Sheesh I am not having much luck with my varnishing at the moment. Luckily my testors dullcoat arrived yesterday so the matt coat went well :). Anyway let me know what you think of my take on murderface :)
Work has started on my next conversion. Yet another contemptor dread kitbash! This time it will be using the shield and axe options. Gonna look awesome :)
Nafnaf out!