
Thursday 5 February 2015

The Love Boat cometh! Dark eldar raider

Here she is in all her glory. I finished the chassis of this raider a little while ago, but could not get the motivation up to get her crew painted.
After posting about my new years hobby resolutions, I decided to get cracking on those half compete units/vehicles I am ashamed to say I have in abundance. Here is the first of my manly hobby efforts to complete my pile of shame.

I had actually done the main vehicle a while ago but had the crew sitting at the bottom of my cabinet, while the raider glanced at me accusingly (can a vehicle glance at one?) saying 'why good sir do my crew sit languishing at the bottom of yonder cabinet, while I stand here, in my shame, NAKED! For a raider is never complete until there is one to ride her, dear sir. I beseech you , as a lady to a gentleman, to help lift me out of my agony and loniliness, I need a good ride! '
The crew are the standard minis from the raider kit, with a few choice additions to make them a bit more interesting and carnival like. I especially like the pilot with his top hat and fancy ruffles. I stuck with the standard raider crew though, and think that for the next vehicle I might mix up the crew a little with other models, such as the wych elf kit and the new harlies (squeeeeeee!).

The raider followed my usual base colour of red, (to tie the army together) with a few large areas of colour to add the 'spice'. I did not go with any crazy patterns on this vehicle, as I took ages to build up the motivation to paint it, so wanted to keep it as simple as possible, without taking away the carnival theme. The hearts and butterflies were added to add a little more depth at a later stage, as it did look a little plain. I hope the crew add a little more interest to it too, and I have certainly learnt alot from painting it (unfortunately one of the things I have learnt is that I hate painting vehicles :(

NafNaf out!


  1. And just in time for the new harlequins!

    1. Oh yes! I am so excited to recieve mine next week! Darn cool models

  2. !@)$82174 wow. What a character filled army. Every once in awhile you see an army that goes beyond just good paint jobs and well thought out conversions, and just has an overall theme that is really unique and great. That's your army!

    The riders made the raider. The dude with the feather in his cap has me dying. So great!

    On the hearts. Hmm there is so much you could do here. Anything from a bit of a glaze or wash to break up the surface of them some. Then of course with this theme, as is looks fine. We tend to over complicate things when looking at them in photos, and lose perspective a bit. Snag a shot of the raider on a table at viewing distance!

    1. Thanks Greg :) really glad it is coming together and the theme is still evident (it is so easy to go crazy and lose the focus sometimes :) )

      I have recently bought gw's edge highlight paints, and they really make some of the colours 'zing' so I might add an extra highlight to the hearts, as they are a little flat. I have a game in a couple of weeks, so I will take a photo of it in action for you :)

  3. You may hate painting them, but you do it so well!

    1. :D thanks Nick. I am so used to painting rhinos that anything more complicated can seem like a ballache!
